Build your data mix
Easily experiment with novel and varied data sources as you orchestrate your decisioning setup.
Foundational to decisioning
Blend proprietary data with third-party data as criteria in your risk modeling to gain a holistic view of customer financial health.
Test in market
Experiment with varied sources as
you build your setup.
Reduce costs
Pay-as-you-go for reports rather than annually for committed contracts.
Iterate on success
Continue to use sources that work, scrap or revise those that don’t.
Plug & play to connect
Choose from pre-built connections to tens of providers (and counting). Click to activate dev-free and gain access to thousands of new data points.

Integrate or tap
into our quota
Input your credentials if already connected to a provider, or we’ll preload your account with access to sources available through our reseller plan.

Select data blocks
Choose the reports and data categories you wish to leverage in decisioning, per data source. Cache the selected to avoid duplicate fetching and optimize on usage costs.

Go beyond the traditional
See customers for more than their credit score. Access alternative data sources that reduce decision making bias and increase visibility into customer financial health.